Master The Partnership Program

The internet and the advent of social media influencers provide a platform for anyone to become an entrepreneur on their own terms from anywhere with an internet connection. YouTube is one of the most popular places to build a following online through vlogs, reactions, and reviews, particularly because of their monetization program. For each video that gets a high number of views, YouTube send you money, easy right?

Wrong! Finding financial success on YouTube is notoriously difficult, but not impossible. In order to succeed in this digital realm, you need to be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and you need to understand what’s needed to monetize your videos. There are four requirements:

1.      Follow all of YouTube’s policies and guidelines

2.      1000 subscribers to your channel

3.      4000 hours of watch time within the last 12 months

4.      Have a Google AdSense account

#1 - 1000 Subscribers

This one is straightforward. You need to have 1000 subscribers on your channel in order to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program. There is no time limit for you to accomplish this goal, so you can take your time perfecting your content.

#2 - 4000 Hours of Watch Time in the Last 12 Months

This qualification has timeframe in which you need to achieve it. This does not mean that your videos must accumulate a total of 4000 hours in runtime, but that your YouTube videos must be viewed enough times to reach 4000 hours in a 12-month period. There is a feature for creators, called YouTube Studio, that helps them track these hours and see multiple types of data to gather insights.

It’s true that 4000 hours is a tremendous amount of time, especially for those who are just starting out as creators. These watch hours also need to be accumulated within a 12-month period, so you need to work hard. Fortunately, livestreams and unlisted videos count towards the hours, but if you delete a video, the associated watch hours will be removed with it.

Additionally, these 4000 hours need to be maintained throughout your activity period with the YouTube Partner Program. Otherwise, YouTube can remove you from their program at their own discretion.

#3 - Have a Google AdSense Account

This is another straightforward requirement. Google AdSense is how creators get paid once their channel is monetized. To sign up for Google AdSense visit:

#4 - Follow YouTube’s Policies and Guidelines

YouTube is extremely strict with their policies, and they can remove you from their monetization program at their discretion if you violate them. YouTube has many rules and policies regarding the type of content and behavior they allow on their platform.

Copyrighted materials are the most sensitive area of YouTube’s guidelines. You will need to be careful not to violate any copy-write rules if you want to stay monetized. In order to get your channel monetized, you need to ensure that you own the rights, or have permission, to use the content on your channel. Additionally, if you’re monetizing content that’s not yours, you need to be adding value to that piece, and your own content should have educational significance, original commentary, or a critical statement. YouTube wants original content, so they incentivize and reward creativity.

If a Copyright strike has been issued against you, it won’t prevent you from entering the YouTube Partner Program, but it will certainly affect your chances. So be careful and mindful of the rules when creating your content. You can find the full community guidelines here:

Apply for the Program

Once you’ve accumulated enough watch hours and subscribers, (remember that you can check your progress in YouTube Studio), go ahead an apply for the YouTube Partner Program. Normally, you will be approved within a month, as your channel gets reviewed by people behind the scenes. However, your channel may take longer to get through the process. Here it is important to practice patience and keep your watch hours up during the evaluation period.

What happens if you get Rejected?

If you get rejected your chance for a career on YouTube is completed destroyed. Just kidding! If your application for the YPP is rejected, YouTube will respond promptly with a reason for the denial. Their statement may be general and not specific enough to really help you, so you should do some further research on your own, links are provided below. Luckily you can reapply for the program after 30 days of being rejected.


If you’re looking to make money from your YouTube videos, these are the requirements that you’ll need in meet in order to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program. As we have established, qualifying for the YPP is difficult, but not out of reach. Check out the links that I attached below for more information on monetizing your videos.

Further Resources:

Rejected for Monetization FAQs

YouTube Partner Program Eligibility

YouTube Channel Monetization Policies


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